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Harley-FadeStories and Ruminations of A Warrior. You ask what’s a metaphysical site doing with stories from A Warrior, simple......... The Warrior Archetype is Ancient and Real, it represents strength and the ability to defend, protect, and fight for one's rights. In any century or society, if the Warrior survives their task and goals, their evolution can take on the role of; Teacher, Philosopher, Metaphysician, The Archetype of Sage, Priest, King, Fool etc. “Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life” Shambala the Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa
“Some are hard lessons, and most often taught with pain and repercussions. Some are easy lessons taught with good feelings and pleasant memories. It has been my experience that the most important lessons also have the greatest emotional impact. I have no guilt, nor do I entertain regrets. I believe that both those processes, distract from the lesson, and waste energy best used elsewhere. How we live is determined by how much we learn, and how much we learn is determined by how we live. Ultimately, all life is a choice. “ NR .............
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Intuition, Visions & Revelations / Random Meta Ponderings
This forum is open to anyone wishing to post their own “Revelations” whatever form they make take in your personal life. Please keep in mind this forum is not just for visions and predictions. This is a place of community for anyone who would like to share and even receive confirmation of any intuitive feelings. We would like to give each of you both the ability to post just to share and also for confirmations of existing posts as well as future “Revelations”. We hope you enjoy this forum and let others know that it’s available. For More Information about this forum .....



Soul Connections Forum: This forum is to post your questions and maybe even answers on your own soul connections. This could be a “Soul Mate”, member of your “Soul Family”. There are many ways to describe this and to talk about how we view “Soul Connections”. In this Open Forum we’d like to give those of you interested a place to share your feelings and your views on this concept and belief. For More Information about this forum ......

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